[ubuntu/bionic-proposed] gnuastro 0.4-1 (Accepted)
Jeremy Bicha
jeremy at bicha.net
Fri Oct 27 16:45:51 UTC 2017
gnuastro (0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* This is a major Gnuastro release, so the Debian release is now also
being changed to unstable.
* All programs: `.fit' is now a recognized FITS file suffix.
* All programs: ASCII text files (tables) created with CRLF line
terminators (for example text files created in MS Windows) are now also
readable as input when necessary.
* Arithmetic: now has a new `--globalhdu' (`-g') option which can be used
once for all the input images.
* MakeNoise: with the new `--sigma' (`-s') option, it is now possible to
directly request the noise sigma or standard deviation. When this option
is called, the `--background', `--zeropoint' and other option values will
be ignored.
* MakeProfiles: the new `distance' profile will save the radial distance of
each pixel. This may be used to define your own profiles that are not
currently supported in MakeProfiles.
* MakeProfiles: with the new `--mcolisbrightness' ("mcol-is-brightness")
option, the `--mcol' values of the catalog will be interpretted as total
brightness (sum of pixel values), not magnitude.
* NoiseChisel: with the new `--dilatengb' option, it is now possible to
identify the connectivity of the final dilation.
* Library: Functions that read data from an ASCII text file
(`gal_txt_table_info', `gal_txt_table_read', `gal_txt_image_read') now
also operate on files with CRLF line terminators.
* Crop: The new `--center' option is now used to define the center of a
single crop. Hence the old `--ra', `--dec', `--xc', `--yc' have been
removed. This new option can take multiple values (one value for each
dimension). Fractions are also acceptable.
* Crop: The new `--width' option is now used to define the width of a
single crop. Hence the old `--iwidth', `--wwidth' were removed. The units
to interpret the value to the option are specified by the `--mode'
option. With the new `--width' option it is also possible to define a
non-square crop (different widths along each dimension). In WCS mode, its
units are no longer arcseconds but are the same units of the WCS (degrees
for angles). `--width' can also accept fractions. So to set a width of 5
arcseconds, you can give it a value of `5/3600' for the angular
* Crop: The new `--coordcol' option is now used to determine the catalog
columns that define coordinates. Hence the old `--racol', `--deccol',
`--xcol', and `--ycol' have been removed. This new option can be called
multiple times and the order of its calling will be used for the column
containing the center in the respective dimension (in FITS format).
* MakeNoise: the old `--stdadd' (`-s') option has been renamed to
`--instrumental' (`-i') to be more clear.
* `gal_data_free_contents': when the input `gal_data_t' is a tile, its
`array' element will not be freed. This enables safe usage of this
function (and thus `gal_data_free') on tiles without worrying about the
memory block associated with the tile.
* `gal_box_bound_ellipse' is the new name for the old
`gal_box_ellipse_in_box' (to be more clear and avoid repetition of the
term `box'). The input position angle is now also in degrees, not
* `gal_box_overlap' now works on data of any dimensionality and thus also
needs the number of dimensions (elements in each input array).
* `gal_box_border_from_center' now accepts an array of coordinates as one
argument and the number of dimensions as another. This allows it to work
on any dimensionality.
* `gal_fits_img_info' now also returns the name and units of the dataset
(if they aren't NULL). So it takes two extra arguments.
* `gal_wcs_pixel_scale' now replaces the old `gal_wcs_pixel_scale_deg',
since it doesn't only apply to degrees. The pixel scale units are defined
by the units of the WCS.
* `GAL_TILE_PARSE_OPERATE' (only when `OTHER' is given) can now parse and
operate on different datasets independent of the size of allocated block
of memory (the tile sizes of `IN' and `OTHER' have to be identical, but
not their allocated blocks of memory). Until now, it was necessary for
the two blocks to have the same size and this is no longer the case.
* Warp's align matrix when second dimension must be reversed - fixed.
* Reading BZERO for unsigned 64-bit integers - fixed.
* Arithmetic with one file and no operators - fixed.
* NoiseChisel segfault when detection contains no clumps - fixed.
Date: 2017-09-13 10:29:23.741882+00:00
Changed-By: Debian Astronomy Maintainers <debian-astro-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Signed-By: Jeremy Bicha <jeremy at bicha.net>
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