Hi,<div>Let me explain briefly my challenge:</div><div><br></div><div>Our small group started to use Xcode actively with the projects, which have been under bzr control.</div><div><br></div><div>Xcode seems to support git natively. ( With no apparent trace to set it up to use bzr).</div>
<div><br></div><div>I search bzr documentation and got impression that there are several approaches to use bzr & git together.</div><div>But I got lost in details -- what is current status, what is working, what is not... </div>
<div><br></div><div>For example, my first 'naive' approach -- with bzr 2.5.1 on OSX ML - was to use --git flag,</div><div>"</div><div><div>bp:test michael$ bzr init --git</div><div>Created a standalone tree (format: git)</div>
<div>mbp:test michael$ bzr add test.txt </div><div>adding test.txt</div><div>mbp:test michael$ bzr commit -m "test"</div><div>Committing to: /Volumes/Users/michael/test/ </div>
<div>added test.txt</div><div>bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.NoSuchRevision: LocalGitRepository('file:///Volumes/Users/michael/test/') has no revision mandronov@vmware.com-20121210203337-qbhad4cub1gkr3gm</div></div><div>
...</div><div>"</div><div><br></div><div>Is there a 'common practice' to use bzr & git together? Under Xcode? </div><div>( At this point I have no intention to 'abandon' bzr and to migrate to git...).</div>