<div> bzr init .</div><div> touch foo</div><div> bzr add foo</div><div> bzr commit -m "added foo" foo</div><div> bzr mv foo bar</div><div> bzr commit</div><div> bzr cat -r1 bar</div><div> no error (finds foo has become bar)</div>
<div> bzr cat -r1 foo</div><div> no error</div><div> bzr cat -r1 foo --name-from-revision</div><div> no error</div><div>bzr cat -r1 bar --name-from-revision</div><div><div> bzr: ERROR: u'bar' is not present in revision</div>
</div><div><br></div><div>I don't understand what the point of --name from revision.</div><div><br></div><div>bzr cat finds that foo has become bar anyway, so --name-from-revision just seems to make it less likely that you find what you are looking for?</div>
<div><br></div><div>I am looking at this in order to try and address the merge comments on <a href="https://code.launchpad.net/~eurokang/bzr/537442-annotate-removed/+merge/48906">https://code.launchpad.net/~eurokang/bzr/537442-annotate-removed/+merge/48906</a> by consolidating the way files are looked up by name and revision information, but it seems cat's way doesn't make that much sense!</div>