Hello,<br> I was wondering if there is a way to create multiple branches within a single directory - sort of like how git does it.<br><br>My situation is like this. There is a main (trunk) branch of development which releases are cut from, and there are X number of other major lines of development which are shared by my coworkers. Currently, when I'm developing a specific feature on one of these major lines of development I create a new local branch of the remote line. This works fine except I find myself sometimes spending more time resetting up my IDE on this new directory than I do on actually coding the feature.<br>
<br>This translates to a directory structure like:<br>local shared repo/<br> project/<br> main branch/ (kept clean)<br> team1 branch/ (kept clean - merges from main branch periodically)<br> team1_f1 branch/ (local development on feature 1)<br>
team1_f2 branch/ (local development on feature 2)<br> team1_f3 branch/ (local development on feature 3)<br><br>What I'd like is a setup more like this:<br>local shared repo/<br> project/<br> main branch/ (kept clean)<br>
team1 branch/ (kept clean - merges from main branch periodically)<br> team1_work branch/ (local development)<br><br>The benefit for me would be that I can point my IDE at the team1_work branch, and never have to change that. As I work on feature 1 I would switch the work branch to the feature 1 line of development. If I need to work on feature 2 during feature 1 development, I can commit my changes to feature 1, and switch to feature 2.<br>
<br>Is this possible with Bazaar?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Eric<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Learn from the past. Live in the present. Plan for the future.<br>11101000<br><a href="http://www.townsfolkdesigns.com/blogs/elberry">http://www.townsfolkdesigns.com/blogs/elberry</a><br>