Hi Guys,<br><br>At first we tried to do bazaar on a 2.5GB files but its not successful. At this point we change our repo to just a small files but when trying to push I got this kind of error.<br><br>bzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('<a href="ftp://atat">ftp://atat</a>%<a href="http://40i360pro.com">40i360pro.com</a>@<a href="http://i360connect.com/testdeploy/.bzr/repository/">i360connect.com/testdeploy/.bzr/repository/</a>')<br>
is not compatible with<br>CHKInventoryRepository('file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/etch/Desktop/bazaar_repo/.bzr/repository/')<br>different rich-root support<br><br>Any advice on how to address this one? Thanks a million in advance.<br>