Hi,<br><br>even after using bzr for small scale, mainly private projects, I'm a bit confused about the recommended workflow, and now would like to start a shared work. Could you please clarify whether the following is fine, and give some replies to the questions at the end?<br>
<br>how to share my work with a public trunk<br><br>(1) get mainline<br>$ bzr checkout bzr://trunk ~/trunk<br><br>(2) start my own branch<br>$ cd ~/trunk<br>$ bzr branch ~/trunk ~/project1<br><br>hack here<br>(3) commit to branch<br>
$ bzr commit <br><br>(4) merge to trunk<br>
$ cd ~/trunk<br>$ bzr merge ~/project1<br>$ bzr commit -m 'merged project1'<br>the last commit made the changes public as well, given that it was a checkout not a branch of trunk<br><br>questions:<br>1. is there anything to adjust on this workflow?<br>
2. would it be better to use a --lightwieght checkout at (1)? why?<br>3. would it be better to use bzr branch instead of bzr checkout in (1)? why?<br>4. is it possible to do proper merging/sharing without a local copy of trunk? (starting with $bzr branch bzr://trunk ~/myproject) <br>
5. how to follow trunk with project1? my idea is the following<br><br>$ cd ~/project1<br>$ bzr commit -m 'status before updating from trunk'<br>$ cd ~/trunk<br>$ bzr pull<br>$ cd ~/project1<br>$ bzr merge ~/trunk<br>
and then see what changed<br>$ bzr status<br>$ bzr diff<br>hack here if needed<br>$ bzr commit -m 'updated to trunk'<br><br>I hope my description is clear enough, and you will be able to help.<br><br>Viktor<br>