Hi,<br><br>I would like to announce that I have commenced work on automating Windows installers building.<br><br>Since the initial goal is to get all-in-one gtk-bzr installer, I have started working on the gtk stack. Current<br>
NSIS script for that can be found at: <a href="https://code.edge.launchpad.net/%7Emario-danic/bzr/bzr-win" title="lp:~mario-danic/bzr/bzr-win">lp:~mario-danic/bzr/bzr-win</a>.<br><br>However, please do note that the script alone is not suficient for building the gtk stack because the process<br>
right now requires a lot of manual steps. I do hope to automate that with time by using python.<br><br>The GTK+ installer at it current state has 7.32Mb, and includes Glade which might be removed later on.<br><br>Cheers,<br>