<br>I think I am making this harder than it has to be. I hope there is an easy solution but I don't see it in either the user guide or user reference. Other people must have similar requirements.<br><br>We are required to limit access -- especially commit rights -- on a per-branch basis. For example, Hector and Carlos can both commit to Project_1 but Project_2 must deny access to Hector and Martitza.<br>
<br>If we use file:// then we can probably use filesystem permissions. <br><br>What if we are using the bzr smart server? It seems like adding bzr+ssh does only global authentication for the sever, not per-branch authentication.<br>
<br>My first idea was to look for per-user authentication in each project, maybe in Project/.bzr/branch/branch.conf -- that probably would not be secure.<br><br>My second idea was to look in the bazaar program directory (we are using windows) for a configuration file accessible only to root (which would be more secure and easier to administer than storing authentication with the individual branches). That seems to be wrong.<br>
<br>Finally, it is not enough to simply allow access by username. That is trivial to fake. Maybe the way to do this is to require signing and have a conf file which has the public keys of only the users allowed to commit.<br>