Hey all,<br> I've completed my demonstration page. I'm going back through the commands, making sure things are grammatically correct, etc... but all the content I want to show is there. The demonstration is not going to be video taped, and I'm not sure how publicly applicable this is, but if anyone thinks it would be a good resource, I have confirmed with my employer that the content can be released to the public. There may be some licensing and hosting things to do, but once it's finalized, I'll transfer it over to a better format.<br>
<br><a href="http://wiki.townsfolkdesigns.com/doku.php/bazaar_demo">http://wiki.townsfolkdesigns.com/doku.php/bazaar_demo</a><br><br>I'd love some feedback on it before I make it "final", if there's anything I've gotten wrong, or something I should add please let me know.<br>
<br>I'm also compiling a package of the commands so they can be downloaded and executed in case anyone wants to run through them themselves.<br><br>Thanks everyone for all the help and advice.<br><br>Eric<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Learn from the past. Live in the present. Plan for the future.<br>11101000<br><a href="http://www.townsfolkdesigns.com/blogs/elberry">http://www.townsfolkdesigns.com/blogs/elberry</a><br>