What is the current most popular method of converting CVS repositories to Bazaar? (which is compatible with bzr 1.11)<br><br>I've tried "bzr-fastimport", "bzr-svn" (after converting CVS to SVN with cvs2svn), etc, but I've run into difficulties with each of them.<br>
<br>Which one should I be concentrating on?<br><br>The last one I attempted to use was 'bzr-svn', which reported an error saying that it needed 'subvertpy'. When I downloaded 'subvertpy' and attempted to install it, it gave an error saying it required 'apr-1-config'.<br>
<br>So I installed libapr1-dev, and give it another whirl, but this time it is asking for the SVN development libraries, which (when installed via Ubuntu packages) has a whole bunch of dependencies that I don't really want to install on my system.<br>
<br>Is it necessary to install all this, or is there some shortcut I'm missing? The CVS repositories I'm trying to convert are not very complex, just some simple projects which may have a handful of branches each.<br>
<br><br>Thanks in advance for any assistance,<br>Bobby<br clear="all"><br><br>P.S: Just FYI, normally I wouldn't bother trying to migrate my repositories from CVS to BZR, I would just export a working tree from CVS and turn it into a BZR branch, starting my revisioning from scratch. I'm just attempting to to migrate a single project (with branches) right now; so that if I'm successful, I can migrate all my older sources and be done with CVS completely, rather than having it hang around as a reference to changes made previous to our use of Bazaar.<br>
<br>-- <br>J. Bobby Lopez<br>Web: <a href="http://jbldata.com/">http://jbldata.com/</a><br>Twitter: <a href="http://www.twitter.com/jbobbylopez">http://www.twitter.com/jbobbylopez</a><br><br>