Hi,<br><br>This implements `missing --revision 3..4 --other-revision 3..4` <br>and `missing -r 3..4 -o 3..4`.<br><br><br>[RFC] because the people might not agree with the user interface:<br><br>Aaron mentioned in the `bzr pull --dry-run` thread<br>
( <a href="http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/50716">http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/50716</a> )<br>that we can may want the following syntax:<br>missing -r [REMOTE REVISION]..[LOCAL REVISION]<br>
<br>This could work, but it has the limitation that you can only specify the max<br>local and remote revisions. It will be sufficient for my needs.<br>
there is not a lot of use cases for specifying the minimum versions, <br>so
we can maybe drop it, or put that functionality in a obscure option. above
could be:<br>missing -r [REMOTE REVISION]..[LOCAL REVISION] --min-revision [REMOTE MIN REVISION]..[LOCAL MIN REVISION]<br><br><br>[1.11] because I really need this at work and I don't really want to put 1.11.hacked on all our servers<br>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><| regards<br>U| Marius<br>H| <>< <br>