<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I would like to use bazaar in the future for my research/publications. As these are often coauthored projects I am thinking of the setup described below. Could you please give you opinion. Especially on the merging, updating way.<br>
<br>In the case of two authors I am planning to use three branches. One --no-trees which is kind of a trunk/main, and one for every author. All of them would be stored on my server to have a backup besides the local commits.<br>
<br>Do you think this is a good setup?<br><br>Then the question is how to make the merging/updating from/to between the main and the authors' branches? Especially, when I have some files that I don't want to share with the other author (actually, I don't have any, but it might happen).<br>
<br>Do you have any recommendations?<br><br>Thanks for your help,<br>Viktor<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Viktor Nagy - <a href="http://viktornagy.com">http://viktornagy.com</a><br>PhD student<br>Toulouse School of Economics<br>