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<pre wrap="">David Ingamells wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Could this be the cause of the branch --stacked problem I reported a
couple of days ago (bzr-1.7rc1 bzr branch --stacked problem/question)?
<pre wrap=""><!---->
To be honest, I'm not sure. It seems possible, but I'm not very familiar with
the stacking code yet. Feel free to test my patch and see if it helps!
Unfortunately it doesn't <span class="moz-smiley-s2"><span> :-( </span></span><br>
This all works fine with 1.6.1rc1<br>
<font color="#3333ff">## the source branch is like this as seen by the
client machine:<br>
<tt>$ /data/users/david.ingamells/bazaar/bzr.dev/bzr info -v
Repository branch (format: unnamed)<br>
shared repository: bzr+ssh://mscvs01/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/<br>
repository branch:
Related branches:<br>
parent branch: bzr+ssh://mscvs01/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/Racoon_1.0/<br>
control: bzr remote bzrdir<br>
branch: Remote BZR Branch<br>
repository: bzr remote repository<br>
Branch history:<br>
3705 revisions<br>
22 committers<br>
236 days old<br>
first revision: Tue 2008-01-22 07:39:26 +0100<br>
latest revision: Fri 2008-09-12 16:38:16 +0200<br>
7208 revisions</tt><br>
<font color="#3333ff">## and like this when seen locally<br>
<tt>$ /home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/Toto_1.0$ bzr info -v<br>
Repository branch (format: pack-0.92)<br>
shared repository: /home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL<br>
repository branch: .<br>
Related branches:<br>
parent branch: /home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/Racoon_1.0<br>
control: Meta directory format 1<br>
branch: Branch format 6<br>
repository: Packs containing knits without subtree support<br>
Branch history:<br>
3705 revisions<br>
22 committers<br>
236 days old<br>
first revision: Tue 2008-01-22 07:39:26 +0100<br>
latest revision: Fri 2008-09-12 16:38:16 +0200<br>
7208 revisions</tt><br>
<font color="#3333ff">## just to prove that I'm not positioned in a
shared repos:</font><br>
<tt>$ bzr info<br>
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/volumes0/david/temp/".<br>
$ ls -a<br>
. ..</tt><br>
<font color="#3333ff">## Call bzr from a just-created bzr.dev with
Andrew's patch:<br>
<tt>$ /data/users/david.ingamells/bazaar/bzr.dev/bzr branch --stacked
bzr+ssh://mscvs01/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/Toto_1.0 CVT_t1.0<br>
Source format does not support stacking, using format: '1.6'<br>
Packs 5 (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6)<br>
bzr: ERROR: The branch '<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="file:///volumes0/david/temp/CVT_t1.0/'(Bazaar">file:///volumes0/david/temp/CVT_t1.0/'(Bazaar</a>
Branch Format 6 (bzr 0.15)) is not a stackable format. You will need to
upgrade the branch to permit branch stacking.<br>
<font color="#3333ff">## There is now a partially made target branch:<br>
<tt>$ bzr info -v CVT_t1.0<br>
Standalone branch (format: unnamed)<br>
branch root: .<br>
Related branches:<br>
parent branch: bzr+ssh://mscvs01/home/CmsRoot/repos/CVTOOL/Toto_1.0/<br>
control: Meta directory format 1<br>
branch: Branch format 6<br>
repository: Packs 5 (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6)<br>
Branch history:<br>
0 revisions<br>
0 committers<br>
0 revisions</tt><br>