hi,<br><br>my sad situation:<br>my main branch format on central in-house server (bzr 0.90): dirstate<br>my local repo got converted to format: rich-root-pack<br>(I dont know how this happened, I blame the underpant-gnomes)<br>
<br>over the weekend, I did a bunch of work with local commits, <br>and now on monday, I cant push back my changes:<br>bzr: ERROR: Repository KnitRepository('bzr://<a href="http://bazaar.enerweb.co.za/components/JAVATOOLBOX/.bzr/repository/">bazaar.enerweb.co.za/components/JAVATOOLBOX/.bzr/repository/</a>') is not compatible with repository KnitPackRepository('file:///stuph/projects/JavaToolbox.rich-root-pack/.bzr/repository/')<br>
<br>Does anybody know of any way to convert my local repo back to dirstate?<br>I tried applying my changes over a smart server, I also tried it using bundles, and it did not work.<br><br>thanx<br>marius<br>