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Rahul Nabar wrote:
<pre wrap="">On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Dave Compton <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:to.dave.c@gmail.com"><to.dave.c@gmail.com></a> wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">The environment I use is probably not the *best* way but it works
reasonably well and may be of interest to you (particularly since you work
in linux).
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Thanks for your very helpful comments Dave! It may not be the best,
sure, but it still helps me to have inputs from other users about what
works well and what does not. Maybe, I'll end up with some hybrid
solution based on what options different users recommend! I am being a
bit cautious with deplyoying Bazaar in WinXP, since, in my experience,
if things "break" within Windows its a real pain to figure out why and
to fix them! I guess it goes with the lack of transparency that
pervades all things "windows"! :)
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap=""> I use bazaar from the command line and the command line is a cygwin bash
shell. I almost never use the windows xp "cmd shell".
<pre wrap=""><!---->
That does sound like a good option. I think I already have cygwin on
this machine. The only drawback I remember concerned paths: Windows
paths tend to have spaces in them and handling that seemed like a pain
the last time I tried something similar. But possibly because that
was a "win cmd shell"! Have you faced this at all? </pre>
Yes, paths with embedded spaces are a pain. For the most part, I avoid
the pain by:<br>
<li>Keeping my home environment in a directory with no spaces in the
<li>Using "cd" to go to a directory with a space in the path if the
space *has* to be there for some reason and then working within that
directory ( for example, if you want to put your desktop under version
control). A bash alias helps here: <b>alias cdesk='cd
/cygdrive/c/Documents\ And\ Settings/Dave/Desktop'</b></li>
<li>Using scripts ( like the bzr script in my first e-mail) to start
windows programs that I want to run from my bash shell.</li>
Still not pain free but these techniques help quite a bit.<br>
- Dave<br>
<pre wrap="">Otherwise on Linux
I'm a total "command line person" hardly ever touching the GUI!
On Windows though I'll be working in the GUI (Word and ppt!); so a
win-explorer or similar solution might be easiest. (If its easy-to-use
I'll end up versioning with more discipline!)
I'll wait a bit to see if other Win users have stories to tell!