<pre>Excuse me, last time I posted an empty bundle :><br><br>A local variable shadows the parameter of the<br>_test_client_read_response_tuple_raises_UnknownSmartMethod method, which<br>effectively renders one of the tests not checking the right thing. The fix<br>
is to delete the variable.<br><br> def _test_client_read_response_tuple_raises_UnknownSmartMethod(self,<br> server_bytes):<br>- server_bytes = (<br>- "error\x01Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request 'foo'\n")<br>
input = StringIO(server_bytes)<br> output = StringIO()<br> client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(input, output)<br><br>-- Kamil Dworakowski<br></pre>