Hi,<br><br>As it has been told a couple of days ago, I'm working on a bzr Gedit plugin.<br><br>I've been looking around bazaar code and couldn't find where some commands like push or pull use the progress bar "ui".<br>
I've found that those commands call functions in workingtree, and those functions in workingtree do initialize a "bzrlib.ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()" and then pass it around.<br><br>My problem is that since I call directly to branch.Branch.pull() or branch.Branch.push(), and those functions don't have any pb object I can't find a way to get data from the pb object.<br>
<br>Any idea how can I get a reference to that pb object, or subclass it and pass my own pb object from push and/or pull functions?<br><br>Thanks!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Javier Derderian<br><a href="mailto:javierder@gmail.com">javierder@gmail.com</a><br>
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