<br>Hello,<br><br>I'm evaluating switching from subversion to <span>bazaar</span> for my company. I had a question that I was hoping I could get some help on.<br><br>It seems one can just modify files without telling <span>bazaar</span>
about the intent to do so. And then 'bzr status' has to figure out what
all is being modified - possibly by doing a 'stat' on each file in the
repository. While this might be ok for a local disk, this is terrible
for workspaces on NFS. I think future <span>bazaar</span> releases should consider supporting a mode where one needs to explicitly do a 'bzr edit filename' to tell <span>bazaar</span>
that it is going to modify a file (same as perforce). Any other files
that are modified would not show up in 'bzr status' - in fact, it might
be better if files don't have write permissions unless one does an 'bzr
edit' on it.<br><br>Please
note that a 'bzr edit' doesn't need to send any message across the
network - it just needs to be recorded in the local repository. This
differentiates it from a similar command in version control systems
like perforce.<br><font color="#888888">
<font color="#888888">
<br><br>- Mohit<br><br></font></font>