Hi,<br><br>I had implemented a revno:N:path revision spec some time ago, but<br>didn't get time to write tests for it, which is now done.<br><br>As a reminder,<br><br>$ bzr diff -r revno:42:<a href="http://site.com/path/to/branch..4">
http://site.com/path/to/branch..4</a><br><br>for example, will diff revno 42 in branch<br><a href="http://site.com/path/to/branch">http://site.com/path/to/branch</a> against revision 4 in local branch.<br><br>See attached bundle.
<br><br>Note: I get test failures, but indeed, I get the exact same without my<br>patch. I'll post the report in a separate message.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Matthieu