<a href="https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bug/45310">https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bug/45310</a><br><br>I filed that bug on this problem a while back, and right now the problem still exists. A lot of my other concerns about bzr's performance have already been addressed (thanks everyone!) but this one still persists, and is one of my last bzr complaints :).
<br><br>Branching a freshly imported vanilla kernel branch uses no less than 1GB RAM, during the "Building" phase (both with working trees and without). This makes it pretty hard to work with kernel-sized trees even on fairly modern hardware. In contrast, importing the same
2.6.17 vanilla kernel requires only 55MB or so of RAM, so there is something specific to branching (the Build phase particularly... the fetch phase is good about RAM usage) that eats RAM.<br>