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Erik Bågfors wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid845b6e870602062147o646545d4p@mail.gmail.com"
<pre wrap="">2006/2/7, Reg. Charney <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:charney@charneyday.com"><charney@charneyday.com></a>:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Thanks Erik,
Unfortunately, this solution got rid of the error I mention, but raised
another one:
reg@localhost:~/XMLandCSS> bzr pull
resulted in:
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /
While this is true, I don't know why it is trying to access the root of
the remote(?) system.
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Because you wrote the url wrong? remove the : first of all. And if
you are using 0.7, you can remove home/reg as well since 0.7 defaults
to $HOME. bzr.dev (0.8pre) doesn't
I am using bzr 0.7. All the following forms result in the same error
message as above (i.e., bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /):<br>
<pre wrap="">reg@localhost:~/XMLandCSS> bzr pull sftp://reg@remote-host:/XMLandCSS (no home/reg)
reg@localhost:~/XMLandCSS> bzr pull sftp//reg@remote-host:/XMLandCSS (no first : and no home/reg)
reg@localhost:~/XMLandCSS> bzr pull sftp://reg@remote-host/XMLandCSS (no second : and no home/reg)
reg@localhost:~/XMLandCSS> bzr pull sftp//reg@remote-host/XMLandCSS (no both :s and no home/reg)
<pre wrap="">and using the bzr.dev (0.8pre) syntax, as below, results in the same error:
<tt>reg@localhost:~/XMLandCSS> bzr pull
sftp://reg@remote-host/home/reg/XMLandCSS (no second :)</tt><br>
Thanks again,<br>