erased disk array, restored data & attempt to re-sync lubuntu testcases

Chris Guiver guiverc at
Fri Feb 21 05:00:45 UTC 2020

I was working on testcases for Lubuntu but wiped a local drive array
with bad `dd` where it was locally stored.  A relevant command history
is at the end, but I've restored my 'data' and did a

`bzr commit -m "Lubuntu 20.04 Calamares install variations"`

and it responded 399. I noticed an obvious error I'd missed too-late,
quickly fixed it & re-committed & had it responded 400. I then

guiverc at d960-ubu2:/de2900/lubuntu/qa-testing/ubuntu-manual-tests/testcases/image$
bzr commit -m "Lubuntu 20.04 Calamares install variations"
Committing to: /de2900/lubuntu/qa-testing/ubuntu-manual-tests/
modified testcases/image/Modern Live
Committed revision 400.

I expected
 to reflect yesterday's commits 399&400 & today's push.   Why does it

Those numbers/changes (399 & 400) also reflect changes I'd made on
2019-12-31 so was suspicious my restore of data had omitted the change
I made on that date & possibly had repeated yesterday, however I no
longer think that is the case (the change I made isn't reflected in

--  Command `history`
20/02/20 13:05:37 rm ubuntu-manual-tests/.bzr/* -rf
20/02/20 16:47:17 bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual-tests
20/02/20 16:49:48 cp -pvn
20/02/20 16:50:00 cp -pvn
20/02/20 16:50:10 cp -pvn
20/02/20 16:50:28 cp -pvn
usin* .
20/02/20 16:50:37 cp -pvn
a\ partition     .
20/02/20 16:50:53 cp -pvn
* .
20/02/20 16:51:02 cp -pvn
20/02/20 16:53:32 bzr add Full\ disk*
20/02/20 16:53:50 bzr add Custom* Auto\ login Upgrade\ usi*
20/02/20 16:54:29 bzr add Install\ with\ existing\ partition Install\
using\ another\ language Modern\ Live Replace\ a\ partition
20/02/20 16:54:59 bzr status
20/02/20 16:55:57 bzr commit -m "Lubuntu 20.04 Calamares install variations"
20/02/20 17:05:47 testcase Full*
20/02/20 17:05:56 test-case-format Full*
20/02/20 17:06:28 test-case-format Modern\ Live Upgrade\ usin* Instal*
Auto\ login Custom\ partition*
20/02/20 17:06:51 vim Modern\ Live
20/02/20 17:08:28 test-case-format Modern\ Live
20/02/20 17:08:41 bzr status
20/02/20 17:08:59 bzr commit -m "Lubuntu 20.04 Calamares install variations"
20/02/21 13:31:16 bzr push "Lubuntu 20.04 Calamares install variations"

Any clues on where I went wrong, or mistakes I've made will be appreciated.

With thanks,  Chris g. (guiverc)
(I'm also on IRC; AEST appropriate times anyway)

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