Breezy 2019 summer sprint report

Martin (gzlist) gzlist at
Sun Jun 23 15:54:51 UTC 2019

Last weekend we had a small Breezy sprint in London.

Main goals were to work out the aims for the planned 3.1 release, and
improvements to git format support and large file handling.

We went over plans pending branches on Friday evening, including
looking at the updated http interface changes, were we're on route to
drop the last of the old _urllib2_wrappers code and maybe start
depending on urllib3. Upstream the landscape is still changing[1] so
the final destination may be somewhere else.

In the morning Vincent poked CI and we got landing code, Jelmer
working on making some of the more complicated tuples in interfaces
into nicer objects with attributes, and Martin splitting the config
envvar/directory location code to a new module. Then we moved on to
tackling usability bugs and windows bugs (still more to do on both)
and starting on tests for large file support.

Saturday evening went out for very nice Lebanese meal (which ended up
being enough for lunch the next day). Funniest non-code moment was
trying to get google home to understand the band name "Au Revoir
Simone" - which resulted in a different outlandish guess each attempt.

On Sunday work on large file bottlenecks continued, and Martin
finished long standing goal of moving ~/.brz.log out of $HOME on nix
and windows.

Meanwhile Vincent worked on the 3.0.1 release, which is now
available[2] just had issues with the announcement email.

We haven't made plans for the next sprint yet, but we will announce in
advance and hopefully get a few more people involved.



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