brz and symlinks inside branch checkout

Martin Steigerwald martin at
Sat Jun 2 18:54:31 UTC 2018

Aaron Bentley - 02.06.18, 18:50:
> For example, perhaps you could store everything on your encryptfs
> filesystem and then symlink or bind-mount some things back into the
> non-encrypted area.  It sounds like the way you currently have it,
> you're trying to store files from an encrypted filesystem into a
> Bazaar repository on a non-encrypted filesystem.  If that's the case,
> the files might as well be on a non-encrypted filesystem, too.  If
> some of the files you want commit deserve encryption, then the
> repository should also be on an encrypted filesystem.

Lol, now that is a point.

I obviously did not think this through.

Thank you for pointing that out. Probably I would like to split out 
repositories then.

I.e. have one with the unencrypted files and one with the encrypted ones 
inside Private/. Now how to split out a repository by certain files or 
directories is something I´d have to dig out.

But that is really an argument I get.

Thing is: It started unencrypted but I setup a Private directory for 
some more sensitive stuff, but unless its fully support in filesystem 
(BTRFS in this case), I´d rather not crypt everything.

Thank you again,

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