Beginners problem - encrypted folders

Matthias Kluwe mkluwe at
Sat Mar 12 17:55:11 UTC 2016


2016-03-12 8:15 GMT+01:00 Oliver Behrendt <oliverbehrendt at>:
> [...]
> As soon as I try to commit new files and folders, one folder is interpreted
> as a function from baazar, the folder starts with -e345445jks66
> that let bazaar starts to build a loop by trying to import that folder again
> and again. Looks like -e is a command for bazaar?

Why don't you show the directory structure you have and the actual
command you tried?

Files starting with hyphens are a common challenge on Unix, and
perhaps this is not related to Bazaar or encfs:

    mkluwe at linux:~/tmp/foo$ bzr add *
    bzr: ERROR: no such option: -e

    mkluwe at linux:~/tmp/foo$ bzr add -- *
    adding -e345445jks66


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