plugin not working on lightweight checkouts

Joshua Judson Rosen rozzin at
Mon Nov 30 06:55:35 UTC 2015

On 11/29/2015 05:24 AM, Chris Hecker wrote:
>> I was expecting it to react on "bzr update" and "bzr commit".
>> However, it only seems to react on "bzr commit".
> Yeah, exactly, this is why I started the thread.  :)
> Thanks for looking into it...hopefully there's a hook we can use?

I think in order to catch updates to the _working tree_
that don't changes to the _branch_ (as is the case for "bzr update"),
you need to also establish a MutableTree hook--something like this:

	                                                 'Update "revno" file on working-tree update')

Note that you'll need to change your update_revno_file() function
for that to work, because it'll be called with different
parameters than its currently expecting, but that's a starting point.

Actually, you probably want to just use the various MutableTree hooks
(MutableTree 'post_commit' + MutableTree 'post_transform'),
and _not_ use the Branch hook. It looks like you're only interested
in catching changes to working trees--not to branches per se;
i.e.: you do not want to catch new revisions being pushed/pulled
into a branch that _doesn't_ have a working tree
(which the branch 'post_change_branch_tip' hook _will_ catch).

> On 2015-11-29 00:53, Sebastien Alaiwan wrote:
>> I tested your plugin with a single standalone tree.
>> I was expecting it to react on "bzr update" and "bzr commit".
>> However, it only seems to react on "bzr commit".
>> Test of "bzr update":
>> *$ bzr up*
>> Tree is up to date at revision 77 of branch /tmp/deeep
>> *$ head revno -n 1*
>> 77
>> *$ bzr up -r 75*
>>   M  README
>> All changes applied successfully.
>> Updated to revision 75 of branch /tmp/deeep
>> *$ head revno -n 1*
>> 77
>> *$ *
>> Test of "bzr commit":
>> *$ **bzr up*
>>   M  README
>> All changes applied successfully.
>> Updated to revision 77 of branch /tmp/deeep
>> *$**echo "Hello" >> README *
>> *$**bzr commit -m "Test"*
>> Committing to: /tmp/deeep/
>> modified README
>> /update_revno_file//(this is my debug trace).
>> /Committed revision 78.
>> *$ head revno -n 1*
>> 78
>> This might be related to the problem you're having.
>> Is this the expected behaviour? Not updating the "revno" file on "bzr
>> update -r XXX" commands seems error-prone, as you might want to build
>> older revisions of your project.
>> I was about to suggest to directly use, from your build system, the
>> ".bzr/branch/last-revision" file.
>> However, this will couple your build system to bazaar ; which you
>> probably want to avoid.
>> Cheers,
>> Sebastien
>> On 2015-11-28 09:35, Chris Hecker wrote:
>>> I've got this simple plugin that updates a file named 'revno' with the
>>> revno and revid at the root of a branch when a checkin or pull happens
>>> so I can use it in my build system. It works great, and it's below.
>>> But, I was on another machine that has a lightweight checkout of this
>>> project and it does not appear to update 'revno' when I push to the
>>> repo for this branch remotely, and then update the working copy. Is
>>> there anything I can do to fix this easily?
>>> I didn't immediately see another hook at
>>> that would help, but I admit I skimmed it...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> """Update the "revno" file when the branch changes.
>>> This post_change_branch_tip hook puts the current revno in a file called
>>> "revno" in the base directory of the current branch, if it exists. If
>>> "revno"
>>> doesn't exist, then it is not created."""
>>> from bzrlib import branch
>>> version_info = (1, 0, 0, 'final', 0)
>>> def update_revno_file(params):
>>>     from bzrlib import errors
>>>     try:
>>>         trans = params.branch.bzrdir.root_transport
>>>         path = trans.local_abspath('revno')
>>>     except errors.NotLocalUrl:
>>>         return # Nothing to do for a remote URL
>>>     import os.path
>>>     if os.path.isfile(path):
>>>         f = open(path,'w')
>>>         f.write('%s\n%s' % (params.new_revno,params.new_revid))
>>>         f.close()
>>> branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_change_branch_tip',
>>>                                        update_revno_file,
>>>                                        'Update "revno" file on branch
>>> change, if it exists.')

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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