Most Ubuntu packaging branches out of date when I try and clone

William Grant william.grant at
Fri Nov 20 05:01:38 UTC 2015

On 20/11/15 12:56, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 03:40:12PM -0700, Richard Wilbur wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing your knowledge in this discussion.
>> I found the explanation you gave both informative and educational.
>> Do you think it would be appropriate to put some of this in the help
>> for the bzr launchpad plugin?  Is there a better place to document
>> this?
> Ideally the branches themselves would be deleted if they are not being updated.
> If they are out of date they're not of use to anybody.
> Does anybody still have access to the UDD branches? William?

The history is still potentially useful, and I don't see much benefit in
deleting them. But the documentation that points to them should be fixed.


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