How can we ensure Bazaar (bzr) remains active?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Tue Sep 29 07:45:07 UTC 2015

>>>>> Clay Reed <clay_dakota at> writes:

    > Howdy folks,
    > This my first post to the list. Kevin's enthusiasm spiked my interest to
    > help.

    > Regarding "Help with updating the Windows release would certainly be
    > appreciated (from anyone)":

    > What are the resource and effort requirements for doing the Windows builds?

    > Is the Bazaar Windows EC2 Server still available?

I don't think so.

    > I can setup and do builds locally on fresh systems, but I don't know if
    > that's acceptable.

Most of the windows releases were built this way so your contribution
will be welcome ;)

The pain point regarding windows IMHO has always been precise
instructions (or even better an automated script) to setup the dev
environment required to build the installers.

Any contribution in this area will be very valuable.


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