How can we ensure Bazaar (bzr) remains active?
m1ndstr3ngthapps at
Tue Sep 22 02:35:59 UTC 2015
I am comfortable with hg and git, but I just don't think that they're as
good as bzr for correctly representing a good branch model. For more
detail, the following blog post describes very well why I think bzr does
the best job --
Just because git is the Gorilla in the DVCS space doesn't mean it's
actually the better tool. In fact, I think it's not very good. "How do I
know which commits were part of the feature-foo branch?" If the branch
ref was not published, or no longer exists, there's no way. That's a
fail. :-/
Whereas in bzr, the commit stores metadata about it's branch nick;
perfect! :-)
I see that hardly anyone is going to create and use Launchpad accounts
just to work on bzr projects. They get a lot more benefit from creating
a GitHub account and being able to work on thousands of popular open
source projects hosted therein. I can't think of how to provide more
incentive to use Launchpad...
Bazaar Explorer is a pretty good GUI, I quite like it.
On 09/21/2015 05:52 AM, Fred Zimmerman wrote:
> I began using bzr a few years back simply because it was the default
> with Ubuntu. I figured that would be a safe choice! Now I wish I had
> gone with git... but I can do what I need to do in bzr and it will not
> generate business value for me to traverse the git learning curve.
> Under these circumstances, with a small / dwindling dev community and
> a hugely exploding alternative, I think the best bet for the bzr
> community is to *keep things working*: fix bugs, update plugins, adapt
> to new tools in the external environment (Python 3). It seems to me
> that bzr's future is as a clean, stable, relatively user-friendly
> alternative to git that works well for small teams that prefer
> simplicity (and want to avoid their developers spending too much time
> customizing git ...)
> Fred Zimmerman
> Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
> *PageKicker <> -- real-time, customized,
> mobile, social deep content
> Nimble Books LLC -- innovative, idiosyncratic independent publisher on
> military, naval, and politics*
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:48 AM, Brendan Simon (eTRIX)
> <brendan.simon at <mailto:brendan.simon at>> wrote:
> On 21/09/2015 7:54 pm, bazaar-request at
> <mailto:bazaar-request at> wrote:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 18:34:54 -0700
>> From: Kevin<m1ndstr3ngthapps at> <mailto:m1ndstr3ngthapps at>
>> To:bazaar at <mailto:bazaar at>
>> Subject: How can we ensure Bazaar (bzr) remains active?
>> Message-ID:<55FF5EBE.6040906 at> <mailto:55FF5EBE.6040906 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>> Hello, Bazaar users/devs:
>> I'm a professional software engineer and have been using Mercurial
>> (|hg|) DVCS for about a year. I've tried Git but I did not like it,
>> Mercurial was much more user-friendly. These two SCM projects are very
>> active; lots of contributors committing often to trunk. I just recently
>> discovered Bazaar (|bzr|) and I have found it to be the very best,
>> user-friendly, intuitive DVCS; more than any other.
>> Sadly, the latest stable release is over 2 years old, and the latest
>> stable Windows release is over 3 years old! :-( This detracts potential
>> users from using bzr, thinking that it must be not well supported; or
>> that it is not as popular as git and hg because it is somehow "not as good".
>> I would love to contribute and help fix bugs and implement new features
>> to ensure that this excellent SCM project continues with a healthy
>> development community.
>> I've already switched my projects to use bzr and have begun to use
>> Launchpad.
>> I joined the bazaar mailing list today, asked questions in Ask Ubuntu
>> and Ubuntu's FB page, and have submitted a request in bazaar's Launchpad
>> page to join the bzr-core team (request currently pending).
>> Please let me know anything else I can do to help. I want the Bazaar
>> DVCS to be more active, I think it's a great software tool! :-) We
>> cannot (and should not) allow such an awesome DVCS to fall into a state
>> of being unused, ignored, and eventually abandoned. Rather, let's
>> improve it, spread it, and use it!
>> Thanks:
>> Kevin
> I originally chose Bazaar for my DVCS (based on the marketing of
> the 3 main contenders, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar), because the UI
> sounded well planned, was supported by a reputable open-source
> friendly company (Canonical), and as written in 100% (or close to)
> python (a language I really like).
> I ended up switching to Git because Bazaar activity seemed to
> dwindle as core developers moved on to other things. Also because
> I couldn't find a decent GUI, and good quality Git GUIs were
> available (e.g. SourceTree), lots of modern IDEs (e.g. Eclipse)
> have good support for Git,and choice of some hosted repositories
> (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLabs, etc).
> Git was now the defacto DVCS so I ended up not trying to fight the
> system
> I've now been using Git more regularly at a new job, and though it
> is working I do see some of it's complexity -- part of which is
> understanding the whole Git workflow and working consistently with
> other team members (which I'm sure is the same for any DVCS). The
> speed or design of sourcetree is also giving me some grief, though
> that may be the underlying Git?
> One thing that may get Bazaar some recognition is to get some
> integration into a popular DVCS hosted provider. I am thinking
> Atlassian and BitBucket (what I like about BitBucket is the
> unlimited free private repositories). I don't know how Bazaar
> compares to Mercurial, but if it has some significant advantages,
> then having Atalassian take it on officially or unofficially, and
> get it supported in SourceTree and BitBucket, then Bazaar may
> slowly gain enough momentum to make it viable again -- maybe even
> the DVCS of choice.
> I imagine it would only work if there are no road blocks from
> Canonical (if there are any).
> So in essence:
> * a good GUI (SourceTree?)
> * a popular hosted repository solution (BitBucket)
> * some good plugins for the major IDEs (Eclipse and Visual Studio)
> Cheers, Brendan.
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