Suggested fix lp:#213718 (bazaar pager)

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon May 4 09:06:28 UTC 2015

>>>>> Richard Wilbur <richard.wilbur at> writes:

    > On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at> wrote:
    >>>>>>> Daniel Vedder <d.vedder at> writes:
    >> > If I understand you correctly, that would mean I have to upload the
    >> > entire project history again?
    >> Not, launchpad will stack on lp:bzr by default.

    > If I understand correctly that means stacks on lp:bzr
    > without the user specifying a stacked branch.


    > So the issue with Daniel's configuration was that the launchpad
    > plugin in bzr will interact with lp:bzr on his behalf as if his
    > branch was already stacked on lp:bzr--without explicitly
    > configuring the stacking?

It seems Daniel's configured the stacking explicitly which confused
either its local bzr or the remote one (I'm unclear on the details to be
honest but having a *local* stacked_on_location is unexpected).


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