Executing bzr heads fails with central branch is unreachable?

ckalisiak at attotech.com ckalisiak at attotech.com
Thu Nov 14 16:03:09 UTC 2013

Hello all,

   Thank you for the replies. I had forgotten that we use the
"reserved_edit" plugin, which appears to be the culprit. I deleted all of
the missing "central" branches that I had "bzr init"d because they were
unreachable, moved the reserved_edit plugin out of the plugins folder, and
I was able to re-run "bzr heads --dead-only" without any error messages.

   I don't know how the reserved edit plugin is keeping track of these
"central branches", or how to tell reserved edit that a branch no longer
exists, but at least knowing to remove the plugin before executing "bzr
heads" gives me a solution.


Chris Kalisiak
Senior Embedded Systems Engineer
ATTO Technology, Inc.
Phone:  +1.716.691.1999 ext. 274
Fax +1.716.691.9353
"Powering the World's Networks & Storage"
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