No WorkingTree exists after branching

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Mon Oct 28 15:40:26 UTC 2013

>>>>> Xue Fuqiao < at> writes:

    > But you didn't use ‘bzr branch’ in the following procedure.  Am I
    > missing something?

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I only outline the steps to check whether a repo
will create a working tree or not.

Whether some bug is triggered by 'bzr branch' later can still be
diagnosed with 'bzr info'.

    >> I.e.:
    >> $ bzr init-repo emacs
    >> Shared repository with trees (format: 2a)
    >> Location:
    >> shared repository: emacs
    >> vila:~/tmp :) $ cd emacs
    >> vila:~/tmp/emacs :) $ bzr info
    >> Shared repository with trees (format: 2a)
    >> Location:
    >> shared repository: .
    >> Above, bzr said twice that the repository will create a working tree
    >> ("with trees").

I.e. from that point you can:

$ bzr branch <url> trunk
$ bzr info
$ cd trunk
$ bzr info


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