Logo usage

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Tue Oct 15 01:04:36 UTC 2013

I don't work for Canonical anymore, but in my opinion that would be
entirely reasonable and fair use.

On 15 October 2013 11:56, Mike Hingley <computa_mike at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi -
> I'm preparing some slides for a presentation (for Oggcamp www.oggcamp.org),
> and one of the slides talks about how we use Bazaar to manage animation
> files.
> I was hoping to use the Bazaar logo on that slide.  I can see that there
> is a logo page on the bazaar site, but I was wondering what the licence
> terms were for it?  I understand that it is copyright canonical, but am
> unsure if that would allow me to use it in this way.
> Can someone offer any guidance?
> thanks
> Mike Hingley

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