Fastimport plugin not working

Thomas Manson dev.mansonthomas at
Mon Oct 14 21:23:34 UTC 2013


I've spent my whole night trying to make this work :

  bzr fast-export --plain .

And All I get :

Thomass-MacBook-Pro:crf-rdp tmanson$ bzr fast-export --plain .
bzr: ERROR: Unable to import library "fastimport": bzr-fastimport
requires the fastimport python module

my python installation seems to have fastimport installed

(as i've tryed to install it several times not sure if it's the
correct version or if it's working)

>>> help('modules')

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

UserWarning: will be undergoing a rewrite at some point in
the future.
  warnings.warn(" will be undergoing a rewrite at some point
in the future.")

Canvas              _codecs_jp          exceptions          re
Carbon              _codecs_kr          fastimport          readline
Cocoa               _codecs_tw          fcntl               repr


Some help would be appreciated :)

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