bzr-email fails if committer has non-ascii gecos

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Wed Aug 28 10:27:20 UTC 2013

>>>>> Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at> writes:

>>>>> Glenn Morris <rgm at> writes:
    >> Looking at _auto_user_id in, which is what prints "cannot
    >> decode passwd entry"), it already defaults to utf-8, only trying
    >> get_user_encoding if utf-8 fails.

    >> It seems like the lack of the locale package is indeed the problem.
    >> A minimal example that shows the issue is:

    >> #!/usr/bin/python
    >> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    >> string = 'Belaïche'
    >> print string.decode('utf-8')

    >> (if my mail client mangled that, there is supposed to be a "LATIN SMALL
    >> LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS" in string).

    >> That works fine on my laptop, but if I uninstall the locales package, it
    >> starts to fail with the same error as it does on Savannah:

    >> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xef' in
    >> position 4: ordinal not in range(128)

    > Urgh, you mean python can't decode utf8 if locales is not installed ?

    > Could it be that python chokes on importing your source rather than not
    > being able to decode utf8 from an external file ?

    > Do you still encounter the issue with:

    >  string = u'Bela\xefche'

Meh, sorry, I meant:

  string = 'Bela\xc3\xafche'

which should *decode* as 'Bela\xefche' but would rule out the import
cause (so # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- is not needed anymore either).


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