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Chris Hecker checker at
Wed Aug 7 21:16:46 UTC 2013

It would break current behavior, so it seems reasonable to put it on a 
switch for people who want the new behavior.  Who knows how many scripts 
out there use bzr st and deal with the full paths directly?  Better not 
to break them.

The other alternatives that have been kicked around are making the other 
commands take the full branch paths, having a prefix, etc.  You can 
search the archives.


On 2013-08-07 14:09, Tom Browder wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Chris Hecker <checker at> wrote:
>> The relative path thing comes up every once in a while, I think it just
>> needs someone to implement something like a switch to st.
> Why would we need a switch, do folks really like seeing incorrect
> relative paths to the CWD?  It's a pain to strip off the extra
> part--especially for deep directory operations.
> Best,
> -Tom

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