[Bzr-packagers] [ANN] bzr-2.6.0 has been frozen !

Piotr Kalinowski pitkali at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 08:51:26 UTC 2013

Francis Devereux <francis at devrx.org> writes:

> On 4 Aug 2013, at 23:07, Gordon Tyler <gordon at doxxx.net> wrote:
> OS X 10.8.4 has svn 1.6.18, i.e. slightly newer but not 1.7 so should
> still work with bzr-svn:

Not if you update to Xcode 5 Developer Preview though, at which point I
actually get:

svn, version 1.7.10 (r1485443)
   compiled Jun 27 2013, 16:06:49

Then again, I actually had to modify the /usr/local/bin/bzr installed to
specifically reference python2.6 to get it to work anyway. Otherwise it
would be launched with python2.7, while the plugins were installed in
site-packages directory specific to python 2.6.

That's one reason why installing from source works better ;)

Piotr Kalinowski

Intelligence is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.

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