Bazaar and Debian

Roland Mas lolando at
Thu Jun 13 14:40:54 UTC 2013

Russel Winder, 2013-06-13 11:52:44 +0100 :


> Having read Jelmer's blog, that makes sense, though it should have been
> offered to others to maintain rather than just being dropped. It means I
> will now have to switch to Git and abandon Bazaar. Sad, but realistic.

  My personal point of view is that it will take some time for Bazaar to
bitrot or (more probably "and") for Git to improve to the point that the
latter becomes less annoying to use than the former.  This horse may
look none too lively, but it's still walking better than that donkey
with tree legs of different sizes, one of which points backwards.

Roland Mas

Infinity contains more things than you think.  Everything, for a start.
  -- in Witches Abroad (Terry Pratchett)

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