share repo branches backup and multi-push

Chris Hecker checker at
Wed May 22 19:48:11 UTC 2013

1.  What's the right way to back up a shared repo with a few branches 
under it?  I've been just archiving the repo .bzr directory, but then I 
got worried there was information in the branches that wasn't 
recoverable without them, but then I found bzr head --tips, which seems 
to correspond to the branches exactly?  Hmm, no, wait, if I unarchive 
the .bzr into a directory that doesn't have the branches in it, then bzr 
heads --tips doesn't actually print anything.  So, can I recover the 
branches from just the .bzr directory of the shared repo?  Do I need to 
archive all the branch .bzr dirs too?

2.  I asked a while back about "multi-push" to complement multi-pull. 
There isn't one, and I could write one, but from searching it also seems 
like there are a few other old plugins, like repo-push, and mirror.  I 
have a directory that has a few shared repos below it, which each have 
some branches below them.  I'd like to push them all recursively. 
What's the best bet for this?


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