use external diff tool in the ignore line-endings mode for merge

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at
Wed Dec 12 09:10:11 UTC 2012

On Tue, 11 Dec 2012, Frits Jalvingh wrote:

> you really need to do if you also decide to start bazaar line endings
> support (using a rules file). In that case it is pretty much mandatory that

Hrm, is it really so difficult to produce LF line endings on Windows®
or DOS? I mean, can easily do it, for
example. And if you use e.g. Interix or, if it must be, Cygwin instead
of GnuWin32 or MSYS, this should be easy.

> years ago. We are a Java shop, and solid rename support is a complete must

Interesting, none of my coworkers usually have that problem, and they
do Java™ as well.

> > This is all you need to know about vi: ESC : q ! RET


^X^C does the trick for Emacs, just for completeness,
and ^Xn for pico. *shudder*

Anyway, again:
with translations linked on that page.

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