Xcode: bzr & git...

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Dec 10 22:05:14 UTC 2012

Gordon Tyler пишет:
> I think you'd be better off using a local bzr repository and the 
> standalone bzr tools. As Jelmer says, the current state of bzr-git 
> interoperability is pretty much cloning a local bzr repository from a 
> (remote) git repository and being able to push/pull commits.
> To be honest, Xcode's git support isn't all that great. I prefer 
> external tools like Atlassian's SourceTree for committing, viewing logs, 
> etc.

+1. I only recently started to work with XCode, but I found its git 
support very poor (no default .gitignore?) and therefore I don't use 
built-in git support in XCode more than look to project explorer for 
A/M/D markers. SourceTree is great for viewing logs and to do 
fetch/pull/push/merge/rebase, but I found GitHub is much easier and 
friendlier for commits.


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