Bzr development stopped
Thorsten Glaser
t.glaser at
Thu Nov 29 15:19:26 UTC 2012
On Sat, 24 Nov 2012, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> I'll admit bias as well, but I firmly believe that Bazaar has the most
> user-friendly cli among the dvcses. It also has the most flexible model for
> helping folks migrate from a centralized system like svn to a dvcs world.
It has the friendlier CLI (and that from a CVS fan), true.
And its seamless away-from-that-ugly-SVN-beast thing rocks.
In fact, I like to use bzr as svn client now (company’s
svn+git only).
> I don't see Bazaar or Mercurial going away any time soon, but I think git has
> basically won top dog. So I'd vote for making it usable for normal humans by
> keeping as much of Bazaar's superior ui and model as possible.
Is this really usable? I mean, I’ve broken bzr-svn *and*
bzr-git by doing something I really need to do: basically
moving a subset of files and subdirectories off a tree I
track an upstream of. (I’d delete them, but we don’t have
the deletion-wins merge strategy yet.)
As for hosting platforms: just use FusionForge, it supports
all and then some (cpold for example, though that one’s
really just an example ☺).
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