Using server side hook to check files changed

Vincent Ladeuil vila+bzr at
Wed Oct 24 07:50:52 UTC 2012

>>>>> Stuart Moore <stuart.moore+bzr at> writes:

    > Hello,
    > We're trying to use a server-side hook to check which files are changed in
    > a commit,

Hmm, commits require a working tree so if you really want to forbid some
stuff you need to do that where the commit happens: the dev's machine.

    > and if those changes are inappropriate (e.g. including temporary
    > files) prevent that change being committed. (Ideally I'd also be
    > able to examine those files' contents before the commit happened.)

    > I've had a real problem working out how I'm meant to do this - I've been
    > investigating the "pre_change_branch_tip" hook, but it doesn't seem to have
    > any way of geting a list of the files changed in this commit.

That's because the commit already happened, you're dealing with
revisions at this point. You can only forbid *merging* or *pushing* revisions
with forbidden stuff.


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