Using server side hook to check files changed

Stuart Moore stuart.moore+bzr at
Mon Oct 22 16:15:04 UTC 2012


We're trying to use a server-side hook to check which files are changed in
a commit, and if those changes are inappropriate (e.g. including temporary
files) prevent that change being committed. (Ideally I'd also be able to
examine those files' contents before the commit happened.)

I've had a real problem working out how I'm meant to do this - I've been
investigating the "pre_change_branch_tip" hook, but it doesn't seem to have
any way of geting a list of the files changed in this commit.

(We're seeking to have this server side so that we don't have to install it
on every develper's machine and ensure they all have the latest version)

Is there a way to do this?

Much appreciated

Stuart Moore
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