Error during merge: No final name for trans_id 'new-70'

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Sep 19 07:54:27 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 9/19/2012 11:36 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Sep 2012, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>> Also, it would be very handy if bzr could resolve these types
>>> of conflicts automatically. Can bzr automatically ignore
>>> changes for files which are removed in the target branch?
>> No, but you could certainly extend resolve or write a plugin to
>> clean it up afterward.
> That would be so awesome! I’m working on something where I’d love
> to delete lots of junk (unused or even not DFSG- free) from the
> code, but that makes merging a PITA.
> On the other hand, I can imagine a situation where I’d want to have
> the directory added back, so I’d probably need that on a
> case-by-case basis. Or something like 
> deleted-subdirectories-to-ignore-on-merge=foo,bar/baz/*/bla,…
> bye, //mirabilos

I thought someone wrote a plugin to say something like "DELETE
supersedes modifications".

I forget exactly how to write it, but you are looking to inherit from
bzrlib.merge.PerFileMerger and define something like:

class DeleteWinsMerger(PerFileMerger):

  def file_matches(self, params):
    if params.this_kind is None:
      # In this tree the object is deleted, so we match
      return True
    return False

  def merge_matching(self, merge_params):
    return ('delete', None)

You can look at bzrlib/plugin/news_merge/  for how to let
bzr know about your custom merger.


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