Bazaar takes issue with Windows case-insensitivity
Bulgrien, Kevin
Kevin.Bulgrien at
Wed Aug 22 16:43:47 UTC 2012
> > Maybe that?s ?ok?. Maybe its sub-optimal behavior to fail so
> > completely over a single file that has case issues on Windows. I?m
> > not sure, but it seems there could have been a better way to fail?
> > along the lines of explaining that it is a case issue rather than
> > aborting with an ?internal error?.
> >
> > Should I really follow the suggestion and file a bug report?
> > Opinions?
> Absolutely file a bug report. That case is supposed to be handled by
> emitting a conflict and renaming "GForge Welcome.url" to "GForge
> Welcome.url.moved".
> It appears that there was a second issue detected with the rename.
> Perhaps a pre-existing "GForge Welcome.url.moved"? It's been a while
> since I looked at that code.
I see a situation where there was a bookmark named Eng_Wiki.url in both the local system and in the repository. Bazaar ended up moving the pre-existing file to Eng_Wiki.url.~1~ in the workspace so it could "revert" to the repository revision without losing the local file. I presume this is the mechanism you reference, though it did not work when there was a case mismatch.
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