Unsubscribing ~bzr subteams from bugs, merging ~bzr-core into ~bzr

Max Bowsher _ at maxb.eu
Wed Aug 8 09:16:51 UTC 2012

On 08/08/12 10:05, Martin Packman wrote:
> On 08/08/2012, Max Bowsher <_ at maxb.eu> wrote:
>> Alexander or Gary: Would you remove the structural subscription from the
>> ~qbzr-bugs team?
>> 	https://launchpad.net/~qbzr-bugs/+structural-subscriptions
> I don't think it makes sense to unsubscribe a -bugs team from bugs.
> Perhaps the membership should be removed from bzr instead?

The team ~qbzr-bugs is the bug supervisor Launchpad role for qbzr. But,
people can utilise bug supervisor rights without necessarily wanting
email, and want email without necessarily being granted bug supervisor
rights - so I think the two should be separated.


1) Unsubscribe ~qbzr-bugs, tell members to subscribe themselves if they
want the email (rather than reviewing bugs solely in a browser)

2) Create a new team ~qbzr-bugsupervisor, put ~qbzr-bugs and ~bzr in it,
change the bug supervisor of qbzr to ~qbzr-bugsupervisor

3) Remove qbzr bug supervisor permissions from ~bzr


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