Loosing fate about "plays nice with others"

Propadovic Nenad npropadovic at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 06:21:58 UTC 2012

I'm now observed something.
Every time I issue any command o this repository, it first starts saying
things like:
   256kB     0kB/s | fetching svn revision info 99/14535
before it breaks, giving the error message.
Now, the second number (in this case 14535) is ever decreasing, at
approximately the number of revisions it managed to go trough, before it
breaks. At the moment I'm writing this, it has already fetched revision
info for more the 500 revisions, which is much more than ever before (i've
never seen it go past 200).
This sure gets interesting.

2012/8/1 Propadovic Nenad <npropadovic at gmail.com>

> 2012/8/1 Andrew Bennetts <andrew at bemusement.org>
> Propadovic Nenad wrote:
>> This sounds like the server (or perhaps a network link between you and the
>> server) is cutting off the connection.  Perhaps it's not able to deal
>> with the
>> relatively high load bzr-svn places upon svn (unlike fetching a svn
>> checkout,
>> it's basically fetching every single revision since the start of the
>> repository).
>> If so, you *might* be able work around this by fetching branches in small
>> increments, e.g. the first 100 revisions, then the next 100, etc.  You
>> can do
>> this via commands like:
>>   bzr branch -r 100 svn://.../trunk
>>   cd trunk
>>   bzr pull -r 200
>>   bzr pull -r 300
>>   # etc
>> -Andrew.
> Hello Andrew,
> that sounds reasonable like a good assumption. I do see the commands
> breaking after some 100-something revisions being pulled. I tried the
> svn-layout command - same thing.
> Cheers,
> Nenad
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