When shall we remove hardy packages from the main ~bzr ppa?

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Fri Jul 20 08:17:28 UTC 2012

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, Max Bowsher wrote:

> Hmm, too late, I just did, minutes before noticing this email. Sorry.


> The packages remain available via the ~bzr 'obsolete' PPA for people who
> really must have them, but that location more accurately conveys the
> lack of intention to update them.

Hm, okay.

> Bazaar >> 2.3.x requires a newer Python version than available for

I see. Then, I can understand not having newer versions available.
I’ve tried to fight the Python thing myself once, but gave up.

> There is really no reason for a desktop to still be running hardy at
> this point - a painful production server, maybe, but not a desktop.

My desktop basically just still runs it because I need to support our
“old” EOL-but-still-in-use company desktop system. My laptop already
runs testing… but then, KDE 4 is much less stable than KDE 3, and we’ve
got to use Kontact Enterprise Client, so… for daily use, it’s still good.

Ah well. Not really ontopic either.

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