When shall we remove hardy packages from the main ~bzr ppa?

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Thu Jul 19 10:39:33 UTC 2012


new on this list ;-) Jelmer pointed me to this mail after my request
to ~bzr yesterday.

On Wed, 18 Jul 2012, Max Bowsher wrote:

> When shall we remove hardy packages from the main ~bzr ppa?

Please don’t. In fact, I’d really like to have a newer bzr
for hardy (including bzr-svn, but really the whole stack
because otherwise some other packages become uninstallable)
so my wheezy laptop and hardy desktop stay somewhat in sync.
But I just upgraded to 2.3.4 from 2.1-something, and it fixed
some of my problems, so please keep them at least, as they WFM.

I started to work with bzr on FusionForge so you have Roland
Mas to thank for me being here, but grew to somewhat like it,
and it’s recently¹ become the new² client of choice for working
with repositories that are svn server-side.

① http://www.linux.codehelp.co.uk/serendipity/index.php?/archives/237-subversion-1.7.5-insane-upgrade-requirement-wasting-days-and-days-of-effort.html
② Not that I liked Subversion before…

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